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Studies Within A Trial (SWATs)


Studies Within A Trial (SWATs)

Webinar, Canada

Speaker: Adwoa Parker

Dr Adwoa Parker is a trial methodologist, a UK National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Advanced Fellow and leads the Trial Forge Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) Centre at The University of York (UK).

SWATs are self-contained studies embedded within ongoing randomised trials that aim to generate evidence to improve the design and delivery of future trials. Adwoa’s Advanced Fellowship, ‘IMPLEMENT SWATs’, funded for 10 years, aims to use implementation science and SWATs to improve evidence-informed participant recruitment and retention in trials.

Adwoa was previously co-investigator and Programme Manager on PROMETHEUS, a major programme of research funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) to facilitate the routine embedding of a recruitment or retention SWAT in ongoing randomised controlled trials. produced the largest body of SWAT activity in the world.

For the past 15 years Adwoa has undertaken both trials and trial-methodology research. The overarching ambition of her current research is to facilitate better methods, for better research, for better health care and better health.

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