The journal Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences is running a special issue addressing on Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) (guest editors Professor Mike Clarke and Dr Adwoa Parker).
The aim of this special issue is to promote the use of SWATs (we think there should be more of them) and to report key methodological advances. The journal is inviting submissions from researchers for completed SWATs and SWAT methodology (both quantitative and qualitative). There will be no article processing fees for authors, and articles will be free to access.
The deadline for submission is October 30th, using the following link: In your cover letter, please state that you are submitting to the SWATs special issue.
A SWAT Reporting Guidelines Template is currently being piloted, and authors are welcome to use it to report their SWATs. This is available at: (scroll down). To provide feedback on the SWAT Reporting Guidelines Template, please email:
Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences editorial office as follows:
Joel Gagnier, Editor-in-Chief:
Mike Clarke, Guest Editor (SWATs):
Adwoa Parker, Editorial Board Member (SWATs):