Data Management Overview
We’re working on this section. For now, have a look at:
- An alternative to double-data entry. This is used by Tayside Clinical Trials Unit and has been successfully inspected by the UK drug regulator, the MHRA.
Top 5 Data Management Tips
Don’t underestimate the data management workload. Over 30% of all the hours spent on a trial is by data managers.
Link the data management budget explicitly to the primary and secondary outcomes selected by the investigators.
We are currently looking for trial managers to help us look at the types of data collected on trial case report forms (CRFs). Contact
More to come: keep checking the site…
More to come: keep checking the site…
More About Data Management
Clinical data management is a critical phase in the trial process. Data is generated throughout all trial stages from inception to completion, and effective management of these data allows for the generation of high quality, reliable and statistically sound conclusions. Efficient data handling can lead to results being reported faster; meaning beneficial interventions can reach the public, and harmful interventions can be halted, more quickly. Data management doesn’t just cover validation, discrepancy management, extraction and coding, it also encompasses the processes of designing both trial documents and the database itself. These are important aspects of data management as their implementation can ensure complete datasets are collected from the participant with minimal discrepancies less need to go chasing data.
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