If you are, ESP2 needs you.
COVID-19 update: trials related to COVID-19 are eligible for ESP2. We recognise of course that current clinical and other pressures mean that this sort of project may be a lower priority.
Setting up trial recruitment sites takes time and effort. Not all of this effort is rewarded because not all of those sites will recruit as planned but are likely to take up just as much, if not more, of your time as sites that do recruit.
The Estimating Site Performance–2 project (ESP2) aims to test a tool that might identify which sites are likely to fail to recruit as planned. The project is led by trial managers based at the University of Aberdeen, UK and asks trial managers and anyone else responsible for opening trial recruitment sites to make predictions about site recruitment after considering eight ‘red flags’ identified in a pilot study*.
The UK Trial Managers’ Network (UKTMN; www.tmn.ac.uk) has partnered with Trial Forge to support ESP2 and we need 1000 recruitment predictions from across the world. You can make predictions through a web-based system and the ESP2 team will contact you 6 and 12 months later to see how recruitment is going.