Follow-up within global surgEry triAls: a qualiTative investigation to improvE trial Retention (FEATHER)
SWAT: 154
Objective of this SWAT:
The FEATHER study will use qualitative methods, informed by a behavioural science approach, to explore participants’ experience of trial follow-up pathways and reasons for loss to follow-up and identify potential interventions to improve trial retention for testing in future research.
The overall aim is to explore the reasons why participants are lost to follow-up in trials across lowand middle-income countries (LMICs), and to explore the potential impact of interventions to improve retention of participants in future research.
The two specific objectives are:
(1) To explore the barriers and facilitators to retaining participants within in-person and telephonebased trial follow-up pathways in LMICs.
(2) To explore how retention interventions could be applied to participants recruited to trials in LMICs in an ethical, culturally and contextually sensitive manner.