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Serving the under-served better: lessons learnt from efforts to widen inclusion in trial populations


Serving the under-served better: lessons learnt from efforts to widen inclusion in trial populations

Webinar, Ireland

Speaker: Heidi Gardner, Vicky Shepherd, Fran Sherratt, Shaun Treweek

The UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has recognized that there are many in society who are under-served by health research. This has led to NIHR INCLUDE, an initiative to improve inclusion in trials ( served-groups-in-clinical-research-guidance-from-include-project/25435.

All of the presenters are involved with the development of frameworks to increase inclusion of under-served groups, specifically people from ethnic minority groups, people who are socio- economically disadvantaged and people who have impaired capacity.

They will briefly outline these frameworks but primarily focus on the numerous and complex barriers under-served groups face in participating in clinical research, the opportunities to increase inclusion of these underserved groups, and the role the frameworks may have in supporting greater inclusion.

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