Evaluating implementation fidelity in primary care trials

Centre for for Academic Primary Care What do we know about implementation fidelity?


Rebecca Barnes, Catherine Jameson and colleagues at the University of Bristol are working on a new systematic review funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research that will map current methods for evaluating implementation fidelity in primary care trials.  It will also assess the evidence for these methods.

This fits well with Trial Forge’s approach of identifying knowledge gaps and suggesting methodological studies to fill the gaps.

Primary care is vulnerable to implementation fidelity problems.  Primary care trials often use cluster designs and complex interventions involving multiple providers and fidelity is often not evaluated.

The Bristol team is working with patients, research-active primary care staff, and researchers with experience of primary care trials for the review. If you are a trialist or researcher with experience of assessing fidelity in the context of primary care, and are happy to share your experiences, please do get in touch. We hope the findings will highlight evidence gaps and inform best practice for the evaluation of implementation fidelity in the design and delivery of future primary care trials.

The review team are Dr Rebecca Barnes (PI), Dr Alyson Huntley, Dr Alison Heawood, Dr Athene Lane, Ms Cindy Mann and Dr Catherine Jameson.

Contact: Rebecca.Barnes@bristol.ac.uk or Catherine.Jameson@bristol.ac.uk



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