Seldom heard: Listening to patients and the public during intervention development

SWAT: 123

Objective of this SWAT:

The aim of this SWAT is to examine the impact of involving patients and the public in the development of an intervention to improve uptake of retinopathy screening. This will be achieved through four linked objectives:

1. To describe patient and public involvement (PPI) partners’ reasons for and experiences of participating in a consensus process to develop a complex intervention.
2. To explore the impact of involving PPI partners on the group dynamics of a consensus process.
3. To compare the intervention content from consensus groups comprising of PPI partners alone, PPI partners working with healthcare professionals and policy-makers and healthcare
professionals and policy-makers alone.
4. To raise the public profile of trial methodology research and PPI in clinical trials by engaging with and involving academic and public audiences in the dissemination of this SWAT’s findings.


In Progress


Please click the links below to access the registered protocol or SWAT download bundle which includes: 1)SWAT Invite letter; 2) SWAT questionnaire; 3) SWAT Topic guide and observation grid; 4) SWAT recruitment strategies; 5) SWAT initial results publication
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