Anaesthesia Choice for Creation of Arteriovenous Fistulae (ACCESS Study): A Qualitative Study within a Trial (SWAT)
SWAT: 150
Objective of this SWAT:
A process evaluation will run in parallel with the host trial, using a rapid feedback evaluation approach to combine qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with patients, carers and staff and documentary analysis (reports, meeting minutes etc) to:
* Explore staff views and experiences with different approaches to recruitment
* Examine patient and carer experiences of participating in the host trial (understanding of trial literature; experience with treatment options; reasons for withdrawal)
* Examine patient and carer experiences of declining to take part in the host trial
* Identify barriers and enablers to trial set-up, recruitment and delivery from the point of view of staff
In Progress
Please click the links below to access the registered protocol or SWAT download bundle which includes: 1) Initial SWAT results publication