University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research, Brisbane, Australia

The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) is a state-of-the-art research facility located within the Herston Health Precinct in Brisbane, Queensland, which includes the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, which is one of the top 100 hospitals in the world, and the largest tertiary hospital in the Southern Hemisphere.

UQCCR brings together high-quality clinical trial expertise, leading health professionals, and scientists from around the globe to support researchers and industry partners to deliver on its four major research themes of Clinical Neurosciences, Fertility, Women’s Cancer and Infectious Diseases.

Focused on improving people’s lives through patient-orientated research, UQCCR champions a dynamic research culture, benefitting from its co-location with a specialist imaging research facility, NATA accredited laboratories, and quality process architecture for clinical trial development and conduct.

UQCCR’s mission is to improve health outcomes for individuals and populations based on rigorous, high-quality clinical research. This is achieved by facilitating research and training, influencing patient care, and providing the translational linkages between; basic and applied scientific research, the participant, and health outcomes.


A Study Within A Trial (SWAT) is a methodological study which aims to generate new knowledge to improve the design and delivery of future trials. Also known as a ‘nested trial’, ‘embedded trial’, or ‘trial within a trial’ a SWAT is a type of study in which an intervention to improve the conduct of a trial is tested in the context of an ongoing trial. Trial Forge has published some general SWAT guidance if you’d like to know more about SWATs.

The UQCCR Trial Efficiency Research Program includes:

  • Factors affecting recruitment and retention in international clinical trials
  • Successful strategies in recruiting in seriously, critically ill and vulnerable populations
  • Criteria for successful site selection in international, multi-centre trials
  • Use of optimized participant information in vulnerable populations; including critical care and people with cognitive impairment
  • Factors impacting predicted versus accrual enrolment in international trials
  • Resource planning for risk-based remote site initiation and monitoring.


Below we list some resources which we hope you might find useful:

If you want to know what a Study Within A Trial is this document tells you and gives some practical tips on what to do.  You can also look at the leaflets in English, French and German at the Trial Forge Resources page.

How do we decide if we need another evaluation of a SWAT intervention? This guidance document tells you.
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